“Truly Magnificent and Fascinating Animals"
– David Meeks
The term ungulate refers to mammals with hooves. Most terrestrial ungulates use the tips of their toes, usually hoofed, to sustain their whole body weight while moving. Ibex and Turs are ungulates, joining more than 257 types of animals (even pigs, hippos, and giraffes) in this classification.
Ibex are wild goats found from Central Europe, Afghanistan and Kashmir into Mongolia and Central China as well as North Ethiopia, Syria, Arabia and other world regions. Turs are found in the Caucasus Mountains between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea.
These animals are very agile and have thrived in mountainous regions of the world. They can range from 27-43 inches tall and weigh up to 270 lbs. depending on the sub-species. There are Siberian, Alpine, Iranian, Spanish, Nubian and Persian Ibex as well as other sub-species. There are east and west Caucasian Turs, which exhibit a very different horn shape from each other. The Ibex is most easily recognized by the impressive backward-arching horns of the male, which are long, slender and ridged on their outer curve, casting a magnificent silhouette against rocky, mountainous terrains typical of their natural habitats. Whilst found in both sexes, these horns are much larger in males than females.
The Nubian Ibex, compared to other sub-species, are the hardiest of the Ibex when kept in captivity.
As with other types of goats, a male goat is called a buck and females are called nannies or does. Baby goats are called kids and birthing is called kidding.